What Robotics is and how do Robots work

A computer-controlled device or machine that can do something like a human is called a robot. According to the New Collegiate Dictionary, "A robot is a computer-controlled device that can operate automatically or as directed by an individual. People can do things the way they do, or the way it works, it seems like it has artificial intelligence."

What Robotics is and how do Robots work - TechSheet

What Robotics is and how Robots work

What is up buddy? How's it going? Welcome to today's article!

This article discusses what robotics is and how robots work.

In the previous article, I discussed Virtual Reality.

In 1979 the Robot Institute of America defined a robot. "A robot is defined as a reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through various programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks."

Therefore, the branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots is called robotics. The branch also discusses robot control computer systems, robotic sensory feedback, and information processing.

The word robotics originates from the Slavic word 'robota' which means robot in English and means slave or worker. Czech author Karel Capek wrote a science fiction story called Rossumovi UniverzĂ lnĂ­ Roboti (English: Rossum's Universal Robots) in 1921, in which he was the first to introduce the word 'robota' in the sense of worker.

In 1950, Joseph Frederick Engelberger, an American engineer, mathematician, and entrepreneur, and George Charles Devol, an entrepreneur, and inventor from the same country, invented the first industrial robot called Unimate.

Engelberger later founded the world's first robot company, Unimation, and played a key role in developing the technology. This is why Joseph Frederick Engelberger is called the father of robotics. However, George Charles Devol is also recognized as the father of robotics.

In recognition of its outstanding contribution to robotics technology, the Robotics Industrial Association-RIA has introduced Engelberger, the most prestigious award in this field, which is awarded annually by selecting the appropriate candidates.

Robotics Rules or Laws

Isaac Asimov, an alumnus of Columbia University in the United States, and Engelberger's companion wrote the foreword to the book "Robotics in Practice-Management and Applications of Industrial Robots" by Joseph Frederick Engelberger. Isaac Asimov is a popular American writer on science-fiction and science and a professor of biochemistry. He mentions three rules, regulations, or laws of robotics in the preface of that book. They are-
  • Rule-1: The robot will never harm a human being or give a chance to harm anyone through indifference or inattention.
  • Rule-2: The robot will always follow the instructions of the people without conflicting with the first rule.
  • Rule-3: The robot must maintain its existence until it conflicts with the first and second rules.
Robots are created for human welfare; Not for human harm. So these rules or laws are followed in making robots.

The Appearance of a Robot

Robotic Arm - TechSheet

What does a robot look like? Is the robot exactly like a human? All these questions can peek into many.

The appearance of a robot depends on its function. Such industrial robots do not look like humans. Depending on the work, the shape of the robot used in the factory varies. In the car assembly industry, for example, robotic arms are used to quickly and easily build cars.

iRobot, founded by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in 1990, has become popular around the world by creating a variety of consumer robots or home robots. The robot named Roomba made by this organization is very efficient in cleaning the floor of the house.

Robots that are made to resemble the human body are called humanoid robots. People move on two legs; They are made humanoid by the application of artificial intelligence, keeping in harmony and similarity with a head, torso, two hands, etc.

Take Android for example. Android is a humanoid robot or humanoid commonly seen in movies or science fiction stories. Humanoids can perform specific functions by maintaining two-way communication with humans in general.

Artificial intelligence is applied to robots. The computer controls all the activities of the robot. All robots work from the east. The robot only responds according to the instructions given to him. For each task, instructions have to be created in the memory of the robot differently.

A robot is a device that is extremely fast, tireless, and performs perfectly. It is a self-contained computer system. Robots can be used to work in any hostile environment and automate production in industrial plants. However, it is expensive and laborious to make the robot work according to the instructions.

Thousands of computer program codes have to be used in every new task that robots have to create. Scientists are continuing their research on how to make this instruction easier and how to do more work.

How Robots Work

Robots are controlled by computer programs. The robot takes input from the environment with the help of input equipment (such as different types of sensors). The output is then published or displayed through the Actuator after processing by the program. A typical robot has the following components. E.g.

Programmed brain or processor: The robot has one or more processors so that a program to control the robot centrally is stored. It is the main part of the robot that controls everything including the movement and activities of the robot.

Power system: Robots are usually powered by lead-acid batteries. This battery is rechargeable. So the robot will be charged before working.

Electronic Circuit: Electrical connection is provided to the hydraulic and pneumatic system of the robot.

Actuator: An actuator is a special device made up of many electric motors to move a robot's limbs or a specially made limb. It can also be called the arm and leg muscles of a robot.

Feelings: Feelings are a special feature of human beings. Sensors also make robots feel like humans. So feel is a special element of a robot. If a robot's hand or foot touches a place, it will have the ability to get all the information about that place. The front or rear view is taken with the camera of the robot-like human eye. The robot can be rotated 360 degrees at work.

Manipulation: Manipulation is the process of changing the position of objects around a robot. Usually, the hands and feet of the robot do all the work of this change. The robot will have many fingers that will be able to move and catch an object. With the help of feet, you will be able to move back and forth or right and left.

Movable Body: The robot has wheels, mechanical legs, and movable equipment.

Features of the Robot

The following characteristics of a robot usually exist. E.g.
  • The robot is software-controlled, which can perform any task very quickly and accurately.
  • The robot can work 24 hours a day and every day without any break.
  • Robots can work in any risky or unhealthy place.
  • Robots never get bored or hate work.
  • It can rotate or move and work with objects in the environment. There is even the ability to feel the environment.
  • The robot works as instructed from the east. There is some intelligence with which one can understand the environment and make decisions. However, robots are programmable through computers
  • The robot can also be controlled from a distance with the help of a laser beam or radio signal.

Importance / Application of Robotics-

  • The use of robots for manufacturing, assembling, packing, and transporting products in factories is effective. For example, robots are now being used successfully in assembling cars and aircraft.
  • The robot can be used as an alternative to the pilot/driver on the battlefield. All these robots are remote-controlled so it is possible to control them at any moment. Robots are used in military operations such as bomb disposal, landmine detection, military operations, etc.
  • Robots are used to make the finest things that need to be done, such as making IC for electronics and making PCB (Printed Circuit Board). In this case, handmade things may not be right. For example, robots are used to make computer motherboards and other circuit boards.
  • Robots have been used successfully in medical surgery.
  • Robots are used in various dangerous jobs including coal mines and nuclear reactors.
  • Robots are being used successfully for security purposes in the developed world.
  • Robots have also begun to be used as an alternative to homeworkers.
  • Robots are used instead of humans in space research, such as NASA's Curiosity Robot.

Industrial Robot

Industrial Robot - TechSheet
Although robots used in manufacturing industries are very expensive, they are used in manufacturing products; The reason-
  • The robot can work 24 hours a day and every day without any break. Human beings can't act in this way.
  • The robot does not have to pay any salary. As a result, the production process is financially economical.
  • Robots can work much more precisely and accurately than humans. As a result, a lot of quality products are produced using robots.
  • Robots can work much faster than humans. As a result, it is possible to produce more products using robots.
  • The robot can work in any risky or unhealthy place.
  • Robots never get bored or hate work.
  • No AC, light, air, food, or beverage is required in the production process of robot-driven industrial enterprises. As a result, the daily expenses of the organization are less.

Despite the advantages of using robots in industry, there are some disadvantages. E.g.
  • Robots cannot easily adapt to any changing situation that is possible for humans. (For example, if a piece of equipment in the same line is not in the correct position, a human worker can aim it and place it in the correct position. This cannot be done by a robot without changing the program.)
  • People are becoming jobless because their work is being done by robots (although some new work areas are being created - maintenance of robots, some workers being able to be trained in new ways, etc.).
  • People are being disliked. (Which means the robot is doing complex and skillful tasks that humans used to do, keeping the monotonous and simple tasks for humans to do.)
  • Robots are extremely expensive and may take years to pay off. (Non-payment of wages to human workers may result in payment of the amount saved.)

Popular Commercial / Industrial Robot Manufacturer

FANUC: FANUC is an American company that manufactures all automated robots and robotic components, large and small. It is a pioneer in the field of robotics in the industry. The company is committed to enhancing the competency and excellence of auto parts manufacturers by creating opportunities to increase their efficiency, reliability, quality, and profit margins. Small or
This company provides robots to meet the specific needs of any large manufacturer.

Yaskawa: Yaskawa Motoman was founded in 1989. It is America's leading industrial robot manufacturing company with 3,60,000 Motoman industrial robots, 10 million servos, and 18 million inverters. Yaskawa provides automated products and services for any industry and robotics application, including arc welding, assembling, coating, deepening, materials, processing, cutting, packaging, palletizing, and spot welding.

Boston Dynamics: Boston Dynamics, currently owned by Google, builds the world's most advanced robot. It started its operations at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. There, Mark Reibert, a member of the National Academy of Engineering, and his colleagues built the first robot that could move and run like any other animal. They founded the organization in 1992 and their groundbreaking activities inspired the organization's work. Boston Dynamics 
produces advanced robots rich in mobility, agility, efficiency and speed, and noticeable behavior that are controlled by sensors and implemented by the capabilities and complex mechanisms of the computing system.

iRobot: Founded in 1990 by the MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology, iRobot has become popular around the world for creating a variety of consumer robots or home robots. The robot named Roomba made by this organization is very efficient in cleaning the floor of the house.

Humane-like robots or humanoid manufacturers: "Murata Boy" of the Japanese company Murata, "QRIO" of the Sony Corporation, and "ASIMO" of the Honda Company, "Roboray" of Samsung, etc., can do any special work just like humans. For example, Murata Boy can ride a bicycle efficiently; Murata girl can ride a bicycle.

So, it was a detailed discussion about what robotics is and how robots work.
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  • Unknown
    Unknown April 6, 2022 at 7:17 AM

    That's a great article. carry on Dear

    • Mohammad Rahi
      Mohammad Rahi April 6, 2022 at 7:20 AM


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